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For the automatic generation of standard time formulas and management of work plans, working processes and MTM/WORK-FACTOR analyses. Offer calculation based on secure planning. Can be automated using a logic read more…
ORTIMzeit handles all types of time studies: cyclic, non-cyclical, distribution time and expiration studies. Everything for individual work, multi-place and group work.
ORTIM a6 – The professional data acquisition program for Microsoft Windows Tablets. Ergonomic handling with high functionality in all areas of application: Time study – distribution time study – planning read more…
Your ORTIM a6 data acquisition program is ready for you to download. Simply download it, check the information and start measuring. You use ORTIMzeit for evaluating your data.
Your ORTIM b6 data acquisition program is ready for you to download. Simply download it, check the information and start measuring. You use ORTIMzeit for evaluating your data.
Your ORTIM c6 data acquisition program is now ready for you to download. Simply download it, check the information and start measuring. You use ORTIMzeit or ORTIMzeit Starter-Edition for evaluating read more…
In order to tap into potential for improvement, it is necessary to evaluate process components that hinder the normal workflow in their actual state. Work sampling studies provide reliable values read more…
Ihr Erfassungsprogramm ORTIMmulti SE – Smartphone Edition steht für Sie bereit. Einfach downloaden, informieren und starten. Um Ihre Daten auszuwerten, nutzen Sie ORTIMmulti.
Your ORTIMmulti a6 Windows data acquisition program is ready for you. Simply download, get information and start. Use ORTIMmulti to evaluate your data.
ORTIMnotes integrates, optimizes and extends proven methods of organizational examination in the form of one easy-to-use system, which calculates such data at a fraction of the costs incurred to date.
ORTIMnotes-sp can be installed on any workstation, where it is used both for self-notation on the PC as well as for local input from self-recorded notes on notation cards.
ORTIM a5 – the professional data acquisition device. Ergonomic handling with high functionality in all areas of application: time study – distribution time study – planning time. If you have read more…
The Actian Zen database is used in dmc-ortim products. Product keys are required to use Actian Zen Workgroup and Server. You can purchase the product key from your distributor. If read more…
We can support you via remote maintenance.